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Young Dentists Forum
101 FDI AWC Istanbul
29th of August 2013

List of Speakers | YDW Forum

Dr. Sarkis Sözkes, Turkey
Lecture Title: »Biomedical Engineering in Dental Research and Innovation«

Dr. Adriano Azaripour, Germany
Lecture Title: »Endodontic-Periodontic Lesions«

Dr. Serhat Aslan, Turkey
Lecture Title: »A shortcut for optimal esthetic outcome: The Tunnel Technique«

Dr. Christine Bellmann, UK
Lecture Title: »Decision-making procedure to reach a high esthetic upper front - case reports«

Dr. Sara Ehsani, Iran
Lecture Title: »Evaluation of fracture resistance of severely damaged deciduous incisors
using cementum-extended composite fillings«

Dr. Ionut Luchian, Romania
Lecture Title: »Optimizing young dentists‘ clinical practice through Laser assisted procedures«

Dr. Babak Sayahpour, UK
Lecture Title: »The appropriate implant case – Assessment tools in Dental Implantology«

Dr. Ingmar Dobberstein, Germany
Chairmen/ Moderation


Dr. Sarkis Sözkes
Lecture: »Biomedical engineering in dental research
and innovation«

Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine
and biology for healthcare purposes including dentistry. This field seeks to close the gap between engineering
and medical sciences. Much of the work in biomedical engineering consists of research and
development, spanning a broad array of medicine and dentistry. Prominent biomedical engineering
applications in dentistry include the development of biocompatible prostheses, various diagnostic
and therapeutic dental devices ranging from clinical equipments to dental-implants, common imaging
equipment such as digital impressions or volumetric dental tomography, regenerative tissue growth,
CAD-CAM systems and therapeutic biologicals. Biomedical Engineering in Dental Research and Innovation
will be given through the lecture with future perspectives.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarkis Sözkes graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry in Istanbul
Turkey. He did his postgraduate studies in fields of Periodontology and Biomedical Engineering. He
has widely lectured nationally and internationally and has been giving implant hands-on trainings.
He is involved in biomedical implant design researches as well as in studies at Bosphorus University,
Institute of Biomedical Engineering. He is member of many international and national periodontology,
implantology and biomedical engineering field associations. He is Honorary Life Member of IADS.
He is full time faculty staff member at Namik Kemal University Biomedical Engineering Biomaterials


Dr. Adriano Azaripour
Lecture: »Endodontic-Periodontic Lesions«

The management of endodontic-periodontic lesions calls for a special protocol as the clinical picture
presents an inflammation of both, pulpal and periodontal tissues. As a close interconnection between
the periodontium and the pulp is present these adjacent structures have to be considered as a whole.
The linkage of anatomical structures often hinders the exact diagnosis of the initial lesion and with
regard to the necessary therapeutical management, it poses a certain challenge at the clinician. This
presentation in which different regenerative procedures for the treatment of periodontal-endodontic
lesions are applied, intend to point out possibilities for the successful management of complex cases.
Dr Adriano Azaripour graduated from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
He received his M.Sc in Periodontology from the German Society of Periodontology and had further
specialist training in Periodontology and postgraduate training in Endodontology at the Department
of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology University of Mainz where he works as an Assistant



Dr. Serhat Aslan
Lecture: »A shortcut for optimal esthetic outcome:
The Tunnel Technique«

Since gingival recession is an esthetic complaint, innovative periodontal surgical techniques have been
developed recently. One of the most common procedures to obtain esthetic result is the tunnel technique.
This therapy emphasizes the importance of blood supply, absence of vertical releasing incisions
and minimal trauma to the tissue. The tunnel technique has been published several times comprising
different approaches for tunnel preparation. Instrumentation should be made with specially designed
tunnel elevators to achieve esthetic and long-term results. The ‘’Gold Standard’’ procedure to cover
the exposed root surface and thicken the gingiva is utilizing the connective tissue graft which has to be
sutured into the pouch and covered during the healing phase to prevent from scar formation. The aim
of this lecture is to describe the tunneling procedure step-by-step including the harvesting technique
of the connective tissue graft and suturing technique according to recent publications.
Dr. Serhat Aslan graduated from Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2010. Since then he is a PhD
student at Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology. Periodontal plastic
surgery, guided tissue and bone regeneration are his main research topics. In 2009, he was a visitor at
Universidade do Porto, Faculdade Medicina Dentaria for 4 months. Currently, he is a member of Turkish
Society of Periodontology, Turkish Dental Association and International Team for Implantology.



Dr. Christine Bellmann
Lecture: »Decision-making procedure to reach a
high esthetic upper front - case reports«

Esthetic design of the upper front gets more and more important to our patients. There are various
treatment options to reach this goal. To achieve a satisfying result, involves an exact diagnostic, an evaluation
of the individual case and individuals wishes. This presentation will lead through the process of
diagnostic finding, assessment of treatment options and decision making based on different examples
presented on case reports and gives an idea how the approach of a complex case can look like.
After graduating from Faculty of Dentistry at Carl Gustav Carus University in Dresden, Germany she
gained several years of practical experience in various dental clinics in Germany and worldwide. At
the moment she is working as associate dentist in Edinburgh, UK. Her special interest is in the field of
esthetic dentistry and implantology.



Dr. Sara Ehsani
Lecture: »Evaluation of fracture resistance of severely
damaged deciduous incisors using cementum-extended
composite fillings«

Early childhood caries (ECC) is one of the most common diseases in preschool children and is characterized
by severe tooth decay. By the time dentist visits the patient, extraction of many of these teeth
will be the only option since coronal structure is almost lost. Finding a suitable treatment for such
teeth has always been of interest. The extension of the clinical crown to the cementum might increase
the longevity of the future restoration. This presentation will review the fracture resistance of the
cementum-extended composite fillings with and without intracanal posts placed on severely damaged
primary incisors.
Dr. Sara Ehsani graduated in July 2012 from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
She currently enrolled in a one-year Advanced Implantology Preceptorship Program at UCLA School
of Dentistry, Los Angeles, California, USA. Further activities of her are Local Scientific Officer of Tehran
University of Medical Sciences and Member in Standing Committee on Research and Education, International
Association of Dental Students (IADS) since September 2011.



Dr. Ionut Luchian
Lecture: »Optimizing young dentists‘ clinical practice
through Laser assisted procedures«

When you start working as a young dentist you have to convince your patients that you are very well
trained in order to compensate the limited experience and in the same time to demonstrate them that
you can provide the same high standard of dental care as a senior dentist.
We will try to emphasize the importance of laser assisted treatments in different areas of conservative
dentistry for a minimally invasive approach and a predictable result. The lecture will focus as well on
the hazards of dental lasers and on the limits of laser using in the clinical practice.
Dr. Ionut Luchian received his DMD title from the Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi,
Romania in 2009 and was awarded with a Diploma of Merit upon graduation. His education was completed
with a Master Degree in 2011 and now he is doing his PhD and residency in Periodontology in the
same university. Ionut Luchian was Chairman of the 56th IADS and YDW Annual World Dental Congress
in 2009 and President of the International Association of Dental Students (IADS) for the term 2010-2011.



Dr. Babak Sayahpour
Lecture: »The appropriate implant case
– Assessment tools in Dental Implantology«

Implant Dentistry is an important branch of dentistry but to achieve the desired long-term success
there are few issues which especially young dentist should focus on. Not every implant case is appropriate
for a beginner who is not very experienced in the field of dental implantology. A useful assessment
tool of the surgical and prosthodontic risks and difficulties of cases is the SAC tool which helps to
classify cases into straightforward, advanced and complex. The presentation will focus on the understanding
of the SAC Classification in implant dentistry and how to include it to routine assessment
procedure of implant cases.
Dr. Babak Sayahpour graduated from the Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany). Since
then he worked as a general dental practitioner in Germany and Great Britain. During the last years
he served the International Association of Dental Students and the German Dental Exchange Service
(ZAD) as an Executive Committee member. He is author and Editorial Board member of the ALUMNI
Magazine. Previously he is active in several national and international dental organizations. He is a
member of the International Team of Implantology (ITI) where he receives postgraduate training in
dental implantology.



Dr. Ingmar Dobberstein
Chairmen/ Moderation

Ingmar Dobberstein graduated from Berlin university (Charité) in 2003. He is practising dentistry in a
family office while being publisher of 2 dental magazines UN-PLAQUED (german) and ALUMNI Magazine
(english). He is member of advisory boards of several dental organizations in Germany. He will
moderate this years YDW Forum in his function as YDW President.







Prof. Dr. Gülçin Bermek

Lecture: When Dentistry Becomes Not Individual's Mouth Solely


Oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, tooth loss, oral mucosal lesions and oropharyngeal cancers, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)-related oral diseases and orodental trauma are major public health problems worldwide and poor oral health has also profound effect on general health and quality of life.
Despite great improvements in the oral health of populations in several countries, dental caries and periodontal diseases  have   historically been considered the most   important global oral health burdens and are still major health problems.
Dental caries affects 60-90%of school-aged children and the vast majority  of adults.  Worldwide, the prevalence of dental caries among adults is as high as the disease affects nearly 100% of the population in many countries. Traditional curative dental care is a significant economic burden for many industrialized countries where 5-10% of public health expenditure relates to oral health.
In 2002, the World Health Organization Global Oral Health Programme  was reoriented according to a new strategy of integration with chronic disease prevention and general health promotion. As for the major chronic diseases, socio-environmental factors are distal causes of oral disease, moreover, a core group of modifiable risk factors is common to many chronic diseases and injuries, and most oral diseases.  One of the main lines of WHO’s global strategy for  the prevention and control of chronic  non-communicable diseases is to reduce the level of exposure to major risk factors. Prevention of oral disease needs to be integrated with that of chronic diseases on the basis of common risk factors. Isolated interventions which merely focus on changing oral health behaviours will not achieve sustainable improvements in oral health when these programmes largely ignore the underlying factors that create poor oral health. Individual behaviours such as oral hygiene practices, dietary patterns and attendance for dental care are largely influenced by family, social and community factors, as well as political and economic measures. Public health strategies therefore need to be directed at the underlying determinants,“ the causes of the causes”


Prof. Bermek graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 1971. She became a professor of Public Health in 1991. She is a lecturer at Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Dental Public Health Department since 1977. She is a member of European Association Dental Public Health. She made 74 presentations in 18 Symposiums, 37 National Congresses and 21 International Congresses, she currently has 54 publications. Her areas of interes are; Health Promotion, Epidemiology of Dental Oral Diseases, Health and Culture and Psychometric Evaluation of Dental Oral Health and Diseases. 




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